Caitlin and Donan

Sunday 14th July 2019 CARYFED a day by Caitlin Milne 🇹🇹

Either the roosters learnt when sunrise is, or I’ve become immune to their noise cuz I didn’t hear them last night.


Cool it, cool it down, Solange finally starting to cool it down with that song… for now.


Morning exercise -> got to choose speed walking instead of running and did stretches, i.e. I can walk up steps without pain. Lol

 Breakfast -> pancakes, fried chicken, ice tea :), apples and soursop thing. Debated about pigeon peas or black eye peas (whiskers). I vote BEP, BEP for life yo.

Throwback singing with DJ Kevan by the common room with top tunes from High school Musical, Lemonade Mouth and others.

The plague began today, but the effects are yet to spread. If uk uk. (Hint: reference to last year’s domino effects)


Painting with DJ Femilicious to Jesse approved tote music and soca.

Then theme song throwbacks cuz…

There’s 104 days of summer vacation, and school/work comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it.

Like maybe doing manakin challenge or fighting with paintbrushes or sleeping in the hall…


Oh and anime…


Lunch -> rice and fish/chicken w/ salad, fruit and fruit punch.




It’s the quietest it’s been all week, it was a chill time talking tho.


Community Service Presentations.

It was inspiring to see what was accomplished by fellow participants while doing CAPE through their dedication and time management.


Bajan indecisive weather came through again with rain.

She’s indecisive, she can’t decide. She keeps on looking from wet to dry.


Pizza for dinner was good.


A shocking note with involuntary hand motions like knee jerk reflexes and more chill talking.


You can tell that I’m writing this end part at night cuz it rel abrupt but yeah.

Goodnight fam.


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