An Extreme Hike with Xtreme Hikers

Project Discovery was invited to a hike conducted by Xtreme Hikers Barbados on the 7th of August 2021. Before we started the hike, we voluntarily assisted the Xtreme Hikers team distribute hike packs and guided registration by performing temperature checks, sanitizing participants and giving the general introduction to the trail. Our journey commenced from the parking lot at Bath Beach, St. John. From the parking lot we, travelled through a bicycle trail and reach the top of Windy Ridge. We got the opportunity to capture and embrace the scenery of the beautiful hilly side of the island. We then continued to Codrington College, and from there we headed down the Safari Trail which meets Conset Bay. After a short break, we climbed Windy Ridge approaching our desired destination. Despite the tiredness and exhaustion from our course so far, our last obstacle offered fun and terror simultaneously as we slid down Chalk Rock with the help of team work to reach back to Bath.


Project Discovery and Mercy Drops Donate


Project Discovery Bolt Launch